Anti-OCD Website
Hi! So you think you might have OCD? Then take a good, long, hard look at this page! There are ten inconsistencies you won't be able to avoid not overlooking! I hope you'll have as much fun as I had writing this.
1. Inconsistent fonts
Serifs are the little dots and tiny lines at the corners of letters. Some fonts do have them (“serif fonts”), some don't („sans serif fonts“). The text on this webpage uses mixed fonts, including some serif and some sans-serif fonts.
2. Inconsistent »quotation marks»
Quotation marks differ from language to language. Some use „these“ marks, others use “these” marks, and "these" are wrong, and „these" are very wrong, and “these" deserve the death penlaty, which is even worse than a death penalty, because it's spelt wrongly. I won't tell you whether I marked »Swiss« and «French» quotation marks correctly. And of course there's also the ›single‹ ‹variants› ‚of‘ ‘all’ 'of' ‘these'.
3. Inconsistent markup
Is your blood boiling yet? Why, or why not? Please enter your answer below. There is no input box. This sentence contains the correct punctuation,. but in the wrong place, these same goes for some other sentences
4 Inconsistent font size
Some letters are bigger than others.
Sometimes I call this web page a web-page, or this website a web site. Some of these inconsistencies are applied randomly, but not all of them. This point mentions three different inconsistencies.
f) Not all inconsistencies are mentioned
vii.) The image is just a straight red line in the middle, on black background.
But not exactly in the middle. And also not exactly straight. And not exactly red, nor is the background a perfectly even black.
The blown-up version in the bottom-left is both blurred and non-blurred (nearest neighbor. I won’t close that parenthesis.
The eigth inconsistency is numbering
But I refrained from the obvious joke of misnumbering, so in a sense the numbering *is* correct, even though it‘s incorrect.
9. Probabilities are not equal
When randomizing the fonts, sizes, etc.‚ not all probabilities are equal, and the following point is a repeat of this.
10 .The previous point is not aligned
When randomizing the fonts, sizes, etc.‚ not all probabilities are equal, and this point is a repeat of the previous point.
12. Do not order these words alphabetically
Do not order these words alphabetically.
Do not order these words alphabetically.
Do not order these words alphabetically.
Do not order these words alphabetically.
Do not order these words alphabetically.
alphabetically. Do not order these words
11. Oh hi Mark!
Oh hi Mark!
13. I lied about the amount
But you probably already expected that, didn't you?
Forteen: The CSS library …
... this web-site uses is not a stable release.
15. Linebreaks are not al-
ways nece-
Wanna randomize again?