Quote around line #100995

2020-11-14T13:54:45 <SerenityBot> i feel my power grow
2020-11-14T13:54:58 <SerenityBot> BenW: thank you so much
2020-11-14T13:55:07 <SerenityBot> next, world domination
2020-11-14T13:55:09 <BenW> XD
2020-11-14T13:55:15 <SerenityBot> MUHAHAHAHA
2020-11-14T13:55:49 <SerenityBot> and after that, a nice glass of whatever bots drink
2020-11-14T13:56:54 <SerenityBot> *happy bot noises*
2020-11-14T13:58:31 <SerenityBot> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-wXnldoLPL0
2020-11-14T13:58:54 <xerox_> why is serenity bot dcc'ing
2020-11-14T13:59:08 <\0> because there's no restriction on CTCP
2020-11-14T13:59:18 <xerox_> it's impacting my serenity
2020-11-14T13:59:31 <\0> i'm sure whoever was doing it will stop, but others may in the future
2020-11-14T14:01:07 <xerox_> (:
2020-11-14T14:12:20 <BenW> Ah, you're using Hetzner. It seems to me that everyone is using them, they must be awesome :D
2020-11-14T14:12:32 <linusg> they are!
2020-11-14T14:12:45 <BenW> Et tu?
2020-11-14T14:13:16 * linusg also uses Hetzner
2020-11-14T14:26:05 <kling> thakis: https://i.imgur.com/q9OjClx.png :)
2020-11-14T14:35:23 <BenW> kling: There's a certain irony to you *blindly* merging the branch that's all about failure notifications – and it fails ^^'
2020-11-14T14:35:40 <BenW> Oh, wait, it's just *still* building.
2020-11-14T14:35:59 <kling> BenW: i'm sure it's fine lol
2020-11-14T14:36:13 <kling> (yee-haw)
2020-11-14T14:36:20 <BenW> I will quote that, including the "lol" :D
2020-11-14T15:04:17 <thakis> kling, niiice
2020-11-14T15:05:30 <thakis> how much is missing to be able to use ue as a sort of qemu to be able to hack on serenity's kernel inside serenity?
2020-11-14T15:05:50 <thakis> only all the hw emulation i guess
2020-11-14T15:06:12 <nooga> running the kernel in ue?
2020-11-14T15:06:42 <thakis> that screenshot is browser, but CxByte ran the kernel in ue too
2020-11-14T15:09:58 <V> what's with the CTCPs
2020-11-14T15:11:36 <nooga> thakis: what is this magic
2020-11-14T15:16:01 <BenW> Huh. Could it be that mouse-movement is "off by one"?
2020-11-14T15:16:28 <thakis> you move one mouse but two cursors react?
2020-11-14T15:16:29 <BenW> For example, I move the mouse to the right and then stop. When I start moving it to the left, for one frame I see the mouse moving to the right again.
2020-11-14T15:16:35 <BenW> thakis: XD
2020-11-14T15:16:43 <BenW> Off by one "signal" or something.
2020-11-14T15:18:01 <BenW> It's actually off-by-three, and most obvious when scrolling in the browser. D:
2020-11-14T15:22:57 <BenW> Switching between the qemu window and other windows seems to make it worse. I'm not at off-by-44. Which means that something, somewhere, is doing a lot of buffering. Huh.
2020-11-14T15:44:33 <kling> thakis: yeah you'd need all the hw emulation. what CxByte did was running SystemServer and all of userspace in UE :)
2020-11-14T15:47:37 <BenW> See the IRC notification for the IRC PR? Yeah, me neither.
2020-11-14T15:48:00 <kling> Notification failed: <class 'NameError'>: name 'requests' is not defined
2020-11-14T15:48:11 <kling> (lol)

See also all other quotes.