Quote around line #104142

2020-11-29T12:27:15 <CxByte> danboid: it has a more though
2020-11-29T12:27:20 <danboid> I can't think of a exact reason, I just know that if I was to actually use serenity for work I'd need more than 500 lines scrollback - log files etc
2020-11-29T12:27:53 <danboid> 10/20K should be good enough yes
2020-11-29T12:28:16 <BenW> CxByte: Whoops, I only use 10K, too.
2020-11-29T12:28:45 <CxByte> seems like 10K is the sweet spot (n=2)
2020-11-29T12:29:14 <BenW> How do I ask ninja for a "backtrace"?
2020-11-29T12:29:36 <CxByte> crash it in gdb?
2020-11-29T12:29:39 <nooga> danboid: we can also have `less`
2020-11-29T12:29:44 <BenW> I'm trying to build the BMP fuzzer, and I run into a compilation error in LibTLS. I want to know why it tries to compile LibTLS at all.
2020-11-29T12:29:51 <BenW> Different kind of backtrace :)
2020-11-29T12:30:14 <CxByte> BenW: LibTLS is part of Lagom...
2020-11-29T12:33:11 <BenW> So it always pulls in *everything* from Lagom into a Lagom-binary?
2020-11-29T12:33:18 <CxByte> yep
2020-11-29T12:33:25 <CxByte> libLagom.a, specifically
2020-11-29T12:33:30 <linusg> I'm not a CMake-wizard but surely that could be fixed? Having to build the whole of LAGOM_MORE_SOURCES for any program linked against Lagom is kinda disappointing
2020-11-29T12:33:42 <BenW>
2020-11-29T12:34:21 <CxByte> I guess so, I think it's like that since Lagom has been used mainly for tests
2020-11-29T12:34:57 <linusg> "I wanna fuzz some image decoders" - "OK, build this JavaScript engine first"
2020-11-29T12:34:58 <linusg> :)
2020-11-29T12:35:38 <CxByte> well, to be fair, we're fuzzing the javascript engine too
2020-11-29T12:36:14 <CxByte> dammit fuzzer, what madman would write '?~x/'? (Fuzzers are even worse than users.)
2020-11-29T12:36:33 <linusg> "I wanna fuzz this JS engine" - "OK, build this graphics library first"
2020-11-29T12:37:14 <CxByte> "I wanna fuzz this JS engine" - "OK, build this OS first"
2020-11-29T12:37:27 <nooga> "I wanna hello world" - "OK, link all the things to your binary"
2020-11-29T12:37:33 <danboid> Harsh truths
2020-11-29T12:37:56 <CxByte> Lagom: next-gen node_modules
2020-11-29T12:38:11 <nooga> I think serenity would get 3x smaller on disk if we had dynamic libs
2020-11-29T12:38:27 <danboid> We're almost there now right? Right?
2020-11-29T12:38:33 <nooga> I think so
2020-11-29T12:39:26 <danboid> Can't wait for a glorious, dynamically linked userland of joy!
2020-11-29T12:39:43 <danboid> GLORIOUS
2020-11-29T12:39:45 <danboid> no less
2020-11-29T12:39:53 <danboid> Literally no `less`
2020-11-29T12:40:09 <BenW> nooga: https://github.com/SerenityOS/serenity/issues/3063
2020-11-29T12:40:24 <danboid> Thats my best UNIX pun in a while I think
2020-11-29T12:40:31 <BenW> Or rather: https://github.com/SerenityOS/serenity/pull/3738
2020-11-29T12:40:42 <BenW> danboid: true
2020-11-29T12:45:53 <CxByte> Eyy, at least the fuzzer doesn't blow after ten inputs now
2020-11-29T12:49:04 <nooga> oh hey
2020-11-29T12:49:16 <nooga> that's a very recent development in dynamic libs
2020-11-29T13:01:02 <danboid> kling, Same for DOOM https://github.com/SerenityOS/SerenityDOOM/pull/4

See also all other quotes.