Quote around line #122663

2021-01-30T19:00:07 <BenW> It's a few keypresses more than the highscore, butit's close :D
2021-01-30T19:00:10 <BenW> Or lowscore?
2021-01-30T19:00:52 <BenW> đ, and TextEditor and everything else handles it nicely, so it's definitely LibLine specific.
2021-01-30T19:01:45 <CxByte> oh I see, libc considers it a control character for some reason
2021-01-30T19:02:11 <CxByte> so libline tries to print its caret form, but that's clearly dumb
2021-01-30T19:02:32 <CxByte> (and AK::Format doesn't like non-ascii for :c)
2021-01-30T19:02:38 <tomuta_> kling: wow I was able to get critical sections working already without disabling interrupts. I expected all kinds of mayhem
2021-01-30T19:04:57 <tomuta_> unfortunately some other change still causes some things to be really slow when booting or starting stuff. Browser shows a whopping 1300ms, and screen stays black for a few seconds. But it's snappy and works great other than those delays. not sure what the deal is
2021-01-30T19:08:24 <boricj> Finally managed to root-cause the NE2000 driver issue.
2021-01-30T19:08:48 <boricj> I was writing the MAC address on top of 6 control registers >_<
2021-01-30T19:09:01 <boricj> Instead of the actual MAC address registers.
2021-01-30T19:09:22 <boricj> I had to run QEMU under a debugger to figure that one out.
2021-01-30T19:09:49 <boricj> Still think NE2000 is a smoking piece of hot garbage.
2021-01-30T19:26:57 <SerenityBot> WindowManager: Restore a window's geometry when untiling it using keyboard shortcuts (etaIneLp opened: The build passed.) https://github.com/SerenityOS/serenity/pull/5185 https://github.com/SerenityOS/serenity/actions/runs/523879500
2021-01-30T19:27:56 <temp_pmet60> hello there! I am setitng the ttl of an icmp packet to a specific number but the packet that wireshark captures has a ttl of 64. The logs I set on send_ipv4 of the network adapter show me that the ttl that is being set is the one that I set. 64 is the default value of IPv4Socket but from what I got from my logs the ttl has been successfully set
2021-01-30T19:28:10 <temp_pmet60> Any idea what I am doing wrong here? :/
2021-01-30T19:40:59 <linusg> BenW: you'll probably have to start a quotes section at some point :D
2021-01-30T19:41:14 <BenW> ^^
2021-01-30T19:41:23 <CxByte> someone make github.com/serenityos/quotes
2021-01-30T19:41:36 <BenW> I was thinking more of a "Discussions" page.
2021-01-30T19:41:53 <CxByte> we can't not have the quotes under VC, that's a sin (A quote about putting quotes in VC, in VC.)
2021-01-30T19:46:42 <BenW> git commit -m "!!"
2021-01-30T19:46:54 <linusg> git commit -m "Refactor quote"
2021-01-30T19:47:25 <CxByte> Revert "Refactor quote"; that broke other quotes
2021-01-30T19:58:44 <BenW> linusg: Local workaround: Create a new directory "serenity}" next to "serenity", put the sync-local.sh script there
2021-01-30T19:58:45 <BenW> XD
2021-01-30T19:59:11 <BenW> *And* in the correct spot, because that's what gets executed.
2021-01-30T19:59:37 <linusg> oof
2021-01-30T19:59:40 <linusg> do not like
2021-01-30T20:06:17 <SerenityBot> Meta: Fix sync-local.sh file check (linusg opened: The build passed.) https://github.com/SerenityOS/serenity/pull/5186 https://github.com/SerenityOS/serenity/actions/runs/523931897
2021-01-30T20:06:36 <BenW> Whee! I get to create a new syscall :D
2021-01-30T20:09:12 <kling> temp_pmet60: QEMU clobbers the TTL field, unfortunately :(
2021-01-30T20:10:19 <kling> i dug into it a bit ~1 year ago and lost interest when i got to the SLIRP driver
2021-01-30T20:11:11 <nooga> hmm
2021-01-30T20:12:16 <temp_pmet60> kling Oh my god! I have spent days trying to figure out why is this happening, I did not want to bother anyone here about this lol
2021-01-30T20:12:35 <temp_pmet60> worth lol
2021-01-30T20:12:55 <temp_pmet60> at least I got to understand the networking flow
2021-01-30T20:18:41 <nooga> CxByte: is this a good time to have a parser generator?
2021-01-30T20:18:57 <CxByte> it's always a good time to make a parser generator
2021-01-30T20:19:33 <CxByte> why this particular moment?
2021-01-30T20:20:12 <nooga> I just looked at the dusty tome, the dragonbook and remembered a chapter about LALR table generation

See also all other quotes.