Quote around line #125894

2021-02-10T16:03:52 <ruptwelve> Hey kling - what is your desktop setup? Do you do developemnt and record from the same Linux machine? I got some terrible performance from running Serenity on my Mac, so wondering what may be different here
2021-02-10T16:05:54 <linusg> probably lack of KVM
2021-02-10T16:05:58 <linusg> maybe try https://freenode.logbot.info/serenityos/20210119#c6589457-c6589469
2021-02-10T16:06:37 <ruptwelve> oh thanks Linus!
2021-02-10T17:06:15 <ruptwelve> Okay - got it working on my Lenovo! Did not try it on the Mac yet! But thanks for the info provided linusg
2021-02-10T17:40:30 <SerenityBot> WindowServer: Fix compositing of fullscreen window (linusg opened: The build passed.) https://github.com/SerenityOS/serenity/pull/5286 https://github.com/SerenityOS/serenity/actions/runs/555358323
2021-02-10T17:56:22 <BenW> 9de1253f447753ee5592a9fefeb9caf7e033edff Oof
2021-02-10T17:56:42 <BenW> kling: Seems like you'e much more efficient at that than my tool ^^'
2021-02-10T18:12:12 <BenW> return (process.*(s_syscall_table[function]))(arg1, arg2, arg3); // I didn't even know this was valid syntax o.O
2021-02-10T18:14:08 <tomuta> yeah member pointers are....fun ;) not
2021-02-10T18:24:01 <SerenityBot> HackStudio: Show notification if 'make' is not available (itamar8910 opened: The build passed.) https://github.com/SerenityOS/serenity/pull/5287 https://github.com/SerenityOS/serenity/actions/runs/555474346
2021-02-10T18:26:10 <SerenityBot> LibWeb: Relayout document on CharacterData data change (+9 commits) (pushed master: The build passed.) https://github.com/SerenityOS/serenity/compare/70bd1724db21...8743ea31498b https://github.com/SerenityOS/serenity/actions/runs/555481164
2021-02-10T18:39:55 <supercomputer7> hello friends
2021-02-10T18:44:48 <concernedanon10> hello supercomputer7!
2021-02-10T18:45:02 <supercomputer7> hello concernedanon10!
2021-02-10T19:16:19 <SerenityBot> WindowServer: Don't re-render the window frame when not needed (tomuta opened: The build passed.) https://github.com/SerenityOS/serenity/pull/5288 https://github.com/SerenityOS/serenity/actions/runs/555609036
2021-02-10T19:18:23 <boricj> So... I was trying to fix the RTC fallback of KernelRng because it generates a huge number of unsigned integer overflow warnings and I've found out that AK::IsUnsigned is broken.
2021-02-10T19:19:13 <boricj> And it's more than my C++-fu can handle to fix that.
2021-02-10T19:19:19 <boricj> Any suggestions?
2021-02-10T19:20:09 <BenW> I personally would start with AK::IsUnsigned, and embrace the C++-fu :P
2021-02-10T19:21:00 <boricj> That would be commendable, but I'm afraid of where pulling that string will take me. (C++ templates will lead you down the rabbithole.)
2021-02-10T19:22:27 <boricj> Because AK::IsUnsigned<T> is just IsSame<T, MakeUnsigned<T>> and I'm not nearly good enough with modern C++ to mess with that.
2021-02-10T19:55:14 <BenW> > I'm afraid of where pulling that string will take me.
2021-02-10T19:55:15 <BenW> I keep telling y'all, we need a Quotes page! :)
2021-02-10T19:59:29 <jcs> you could make an implementation of fortune(6)
2021-02-10T20:09:48 <linusg> cowsay, but it's a ladybug
2021-02-10T20:09:50 <linusg> :^)
2021-02-10T20:25:13 <BenW> .oO( /usr/share/man/man6/Quotes.md )
2021-02-10T20:27:46 <concernedanon10> ladybugsay?
2021-02-10T20:32:04 <BenW> :D
2021-02-10T20:42:22 <SerenityBot> C++ autocomplete - Continued (itamar8910 opened: The build passed.) https://github.com/SerenityOS/serenity/pull/5290 https://github.com/SerenityOS/serenity/actions/runs/555821263
2021-02-10T21:02:33 <rowbee\> hairless k.ling very blursed
2021-02-10T21:02:39 <rowbee\> i know i'm late on this
2021-02-10T21:31:54 <CxByte> (a very late, for me) hello friends!
2021-02-10T21:32:32 <linusg> (a somewhat late, for me) hcxb!
2021-02-10T21:32:37 <CxByte> hl!
2021-02-10T21:39:07 <CxByte> BenW: maybe one of us should take the initiative and make a SerenityOS/QuotesDB repo; we can even make it a submodule that lives in Base/usr/share/quotes that a theoretical `ladybugsay` can access
2021-02-10T21:39:43 <SerenityBot> AK: Make IsUnsigned<T> behave as you would expect (pushed master: The build passed.) https://github.com/SerenityOS/serenity/compare/8743ea31498b...497d48a8dea0 https://github.com/SerenityOS/serenity/actions/runs/555956325
2021-02-10T21:39:47 <BenW> You could even make it a shell built-in *cough*
2021-02-10T21:40:07 <BenW> kling: :D
2021-02-10T21:40:13 <CxByte> sure...? sounds like an odd builtin, but why not

See also all other quotes.