TinyVM Connect4 Tournament – Specific Matchup

imitate_if_legal against fill_board_with_mod

This page is about how imitate_if_legal fares as an attacker against fill_board_with_mod. There's a different page for the reverse matchup. For a more general overview, visit the overview page.

12 wins, 5 draws, and 83 losses

This matchup is not deterministic.

The Games

Game type #1 (seen 17 times)

Loss due to connect4. (Executed 71 instructions in total; opponent executed 35 instructions in total.)


Game type #2 (seen 17 times)

Loss due to connect4. (Executed 122 instructions in total; opponent executed 65 instructions in total.)


Game type #3 (seen 13 times)

Loss due to connect4. (Executed 105 instructions in total; opponent executed 55 instructions in total.)


Game type #4 (seen 13 times)

Loss due to connect4. (Executed 139 instructions in total; opponent executed 75 instructions in total.)


Game type #5 (seen 12 times)

Loss due to connect4. (Executed 71 instructions in total; opponent executed 35 instructions in total.)


Game type #6 (seen 11 times)

Loss due to connect4. (Executed 71 instructions in total; opponent executed 35 instructions in total.)


Game type #7 (seen 4 times)

Win due to connect4. (Executed 250 instructions in total; opponent executed 125 instructions in total.)


Game type #8 (seen 3 times)

Draw. (Executed 369 instructions in total; opponent executed 202 instructions in total.)


Game type #9 (seen 2 times)

Win due to connect4. (Executed 233 instructions in total; opponent executed 115 instructions in total.)


Game type #10 (seen 2 times)

Win due to connect4. (Executed 371 instructions in total; opponent executed 175 instructions in total.)


Game type #11 (seen 2 times)

Draw. (Executed 405 instructions in total; opponent executed 202 instructions in total.)


Game type #12 (seen 1 time)

Win due to connect4. (Executed 259 instructions in total; opponent executed 125 instructions in total.)


Game type #13 (seen 1 time)

Win due to connect4. (Executed 328 instructions in total; opponent executed 155 instructions in total.)


Game type #14 (seen 1 time)

Win due to connect4. (Executed 337 instructions in total; opponent executed 155 instructions in total.)


Game type #15 (seen 1 time)

Win due to connect4. (Executed 344 instructions in total; opponent executed 175 instructions in total.)


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