TinyVM Connect4 Tournament – Specific Matchup

random_legal against imitate_if_legal

This page is about how random_legal fares as an attacker against imitate_if_legal. There's a different page for the reverse matchup. For a more general overview, visit the overview page.

100 wins, 0 draws, and 0 losses

This matchup is not deterministic. Some games went differently than others, even though the outcome was always the same.

The Games

Game type #1 (seen 1 time)

Win due to connect4. (Executed 384 instructions in total; opponent executed 51 instructions in total.)


Game type #2 (seen 1 time)

Win due to connect4. (Executed 948 instructions in total; opponent executed 153 instructions in total.)


Game type #3 (seen 1 time)

Win due to connect4. (Executed 768 instructions in total; opponent executed 119 instructions in total.)


Game type #4 (seen 1 time)

Win due to connect4. (Executed 1400 instructions in total; opponent executed 238 instructions in total.)


Game type #5 (seen 1 time)

Win due to connect4. (Executed 1764 instructions in total; opponent executed 306 instructions in total.)


Game type #6 (seen 1 time)

Win due to connect4. (Executed 480 instructions in total; opponent executed 68 instructions in total.)


Game type #7 (seen 1 time)

Win due to connect4. (Executed 762 instructions in total; opponent executed 119 instructions in total.)


Game type #8 (seen 1 time)

Win due to connect4. (Executed 480 instructions in total; opponent executed 68 instructions in total.)


Game type #9 (seen 1 time)

Win due to connect4. (Executed 576 instructions in total; opponent executed 85 instructions in total.)


Game type #10 (seen 1 time)

Win due to connect4. (Executed 480 instructions in total; opponent executed 68 instructions in total.)


Game type #11 (seen 1 time)

Win due to connect4. (Executed 768 instructions in total; opponent executed 119 instructions in total.)


Game type #12 (seen 1 time)

Win due to connect4. (Executed 672 instructions in total; opponent executed 102 instructions in total.)


Game type #13 (seen 1 time)

Win due to connect4. (Executed 1492 instructions in total; opponent executed 255 instructions in total.)


Game type #14 (seen 1 time)

Win due to connect4. (Executed 1510 instructions in total; opponent executed 255 instructions in total.)


Game type #15 (seen 1 time)

Win due to connect4. (Executed 864 instructions in total; opponent executed 136 instructions in total.)


Game type #16 (seen 1 time)

Win due to connect4. (Executed 480 instructions in total; opponent executed 68 instructions in total.)


Game type #17 (seen 1 time)

Win due to connect4. (Executed 1230 instructions in total; opponent executed 204 instructions in total.)


Game type #18 (seen 1 time)

Win due to connect4. (Executed 576 instructions in total; opponent executed 85 instructions in total.)


Game type #19 (seen 1 time)

Win due to connect4. (Executed 1042 instructions in total; opponent executed 170 instructions in total.)


Game type #20 (seen 1 time)

Win due to connect4. (Executed 764 instructions in total; opponent executed 119 instructions in total.)


Game types #21 through #100

Sorry, the other game types (spanning 80 games) aren't listed to keep this HTML file reasonably small. If you're interested, the other game types in this matchup can be easily extracted from the JSON file. Give it a try!

This page was last rebuilt on 2023-06-28 02:02:32 CEST.

The raw data on this webpage is also available as a JSON file.