TinyVM Connect4 Tournament – Specific Matchup
against longest_streak
This page is about how ret0 fares as an attacker against longest_streak. There's a different page for the reverse matchup. For a more general overview, visit the overview page.
1 win, 0 draws, and 0 losses
This matchup is deterministic, i.e. both players never used the rnd
instruction. Therefore, only a single game was simulated, as all games are identical in this matchup.
The Game
Win due to connect4. (Executed 5 instructions in total; opponent executed 3376 instructions in total.)
#9 | ||||||
#7 | ||||||
#5 | ||||||
#3 | #8 | |||||
#2 | #6 | |||||
#1 | #4 |
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